About - Melissa & Thrupenny Bits

Thrupenny Bits is a stylish, highly portable breastfeeding cushion or pillow devised by mother of two Melissa Wyatt.

When I had my first child, breastfeeding was not something that came easily. I struggled with positioning and latch. Eventually someone suggested I try a breastfeeding pillow and feeding my son became much easier. However the breastfeeding pillow I was using at the time was too big to be portable, baby kept disappearing down the gap when the cushion slipped off my lap and it was severely lacking on the style front. So I was inspired to create something better suited to my own needs.

During the early production stages, I realised that the Ultimate and classic ranges could easily be converted into a bag for continued use. I still use mine today as a bag when I’m out with the kids.

After having my second son Thrupenny Bits Ltd was born. Prior to that I was working in TV. Working from home in and around 2 small boys hasn’t been easy, but as Thrupenny Bits has grown so have my boys and not having to leave the house for work 10 hours a day means I’ve been around for them and still able to earn a much needed income.

“…and just in case you’re wondering why on earth we’re called Thrupenny Bits, here’s a clue; it’s cockney rhyming slang … no more clues!”

About Melissa - Owner of Thrupenny Bits